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General terms of Service

This contract for the provision of services is entered into between "ForgeMyTech", represented by Steven Barquet, with address at Orizaba 13, int 4, Col Roma, CP 06700, Cuauhtémoc, CDMX, Mexico, hereinafter referred to as "The Company", on the one hand, and [name of contractor], hereinafter referred to as "The Contractor", on the other hand, and will be governed by the following clauses: I. OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT The Company hires The Contractor to perform the following activities: [detailed description of the services to be provided]. II. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES A. Obligations of The Company: Provide The Contractor with the necessary resources to carry out the contracted services. Pay The Contractor the amount agreed upon under the conditions set forth in clause III. B. Obligations of The Contractor: Carry out the contracted services with the necessary diligence and professionalism. Comply with the agreed upon dates and deadlines. Use the resources provided by The Company exclusively for the performance of the contracted services. Maintain the confidentiality of the information to which they have access as a result of the provision of services. III. PAYMENT AND BILLING A. The Company will pay The Contractor the amount of [agreed-upon amount] for the services provided. B. Payment will be made [frequency of payment]. C. The Company must receive an invoice for each payment made. IV. TERM OF THE CONTRACT This contract will have a duration of [contract duration] from the signing of this contract. V. TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT This contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice with a minimum of [number of days] days' notice. VI. CONFIDENTIALITY The Contractor agrees not to disclose confidential information to which they have access as a result of the provision of services. The Company agrees not to disclose confidential information to which The Contractor has access. VII. JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAW The parties agree that any dispute arising from this contract will be resolved by the competent courts of Mexico City, waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. This contract will be governed by the laws of Mexico. Having read and understood this contract, the parties sign it in [number of copies] copies, in Mexico City, on the [day] day of [month], [year]. "The Company" [NAME AND SIGNATURE OF LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE] "The Contractor" [NAME AND SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR].