Importance of Web Design and How to Get More Visits by Improving My Web Design

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In web design, it is essential to know how to make compositions that respect the image and brand personality. Here, we explain why web design is important for a brand in any personal, professional, and commercial context.

You Gain Global Visibility

Your website can be an excellent way to present your business to potential clients worldwide. Specifically, your website is a digital space where you can tell the story of your company, showcasing what you offer and why.

You Attract Potential Customers

Your website will be a lead and prospect generator that you can convert into effective customers with an appropriate marketing strategy. But what if you provide information in a disorganized manner or make it difficult to access? It is highly likely that visitors will become frustrated with your site and may not return. Keep in mind that 7 out of 10 potential customers will abandon your website if they have a poor user experience. That is why web design is essential in these times.

You Stand Out from the Competition

There is a lot of competition on the Internet, and people stick with those who offer them a better experience, which is defined by aspects such as simplicity and visual hierarchy. Do not lose potential customers because your website lacks updates, good content, and a structure that allows them to navigate with ease.

You Gain Positioning

A custom web design that meets the client's needs —in harmony with the brand's personality, business model, and industry— is crucial when it comes to positioning your site on search engines like Google, as they always prioritize sites that provide a good user experience. Remember, if your site is attractive and has a user-centered design, people who visit it will do their best to recommend and share it. So, don't forget to add your social media icons on the homepage and key content pages.

Web Design Elements

Now, for your company's website to be successful, it must meet several requirements: easy navigation and minimal loading times. Additionally, the design should align with the business's personality, that is, your brand, through visual concepts.

Visual Style

The visual style of your website will depend on what you want to convey and make known about your company, so it must be aligned with the corporate identity. Use the following elements to achieve this:

  • Colors

    Choosing an appropriate color combination is crucial when presenting the content of your website. Light colors facilitate visibility, create a clean and organized look, and, most importantly, do not tire the user. On the other hand, dark tones provide an elegant appearance that can contribute to your brand image. Be careful when using vibrant color combinations, as excessive use can be overwhelming, especially if you are using them as background for your web pages. Color can help increase brand recognition: depending on the color palette you adopt, you can encourage visitors to make decisions on your website. In fact, color increases brand recognition by 80%, which is directly linked to the trust it generates.

  • Typography

    The typographic fonts you choose for your company's website should be attractive and easy to read. Remember that you want users to read your content, so don't tire them with elaborate fonts that can distract or confuse them. Among the most recommended fonts for their clear and simple personality are Times New Roman, Arial, and Cambria. However, feel free to use bolder, more elegant, or romantic fonts in some key areas, such as the header of each page.

  • Images

    Images complement the content of the site, adding dynamism and contrast. It is important to choose high-quality and relevant images. There are many free image banks with a wide variety of options. You can also create your own photographs to present your products attractively. This will provide clarity to your customers, as they will know exactly what you offer. Images are an important part of capturing users' attention. A familiar example of what not to do is the images that fast-food restaurants use to promote their dishes. When you see the hamburgers in the photographs, they look big, juicy, and delicious, but when you visit the establishment, they don't resemble the menu image. It is acceptable to retouch your product images, but make sure what you project doesn't deviate from reality.

  • Interactive Components

    This is another important element of web design. Add animations, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and other visual elements where visitors can click. Consider hierarchy and relevance to highlight the components you deem most useful. We recommend emphasizing elements that showcase your offerings and those that indicate how you can solve your customers' problems. You can also add GIFs or icons, always with a harmonious distribution, to give each page a more dynamic appearance. It is important to consider this aspect, as nowadays visitors expect websites to have interactive components.

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Web Design and SEO

Web design influences SEO, as the configuration can affect the site's positioning. In this regard, using HTML and CSS allows the site to be readable by search engines. A website needs to be structured in such a way that both the code (backend) and the visual part (frontend) provide a smooth and appropriate navigation. In this task, web design contributes to improving certain aspects that will positively impact SEO, such as, for example,

  • Using a good navigation system that is understandable for users and reduces the bounce rate.

  • Employing URLs that are understandable and contain keywords instead of randomly chosen URLs.

  • Having a logical and well-organized website structure that increases crawlability.

  • Relevant content plus the right design is the winning formula.

Additionally, using alt texts in images helps search engines understand the content and position it, as well as using logical and theme-relevant file names for each page instead of a combination of unintelligible letters or numbers. The file size of images will also affect the loading speed. Keeping them compressed while maintaining readability will help with better positioning. In this sense, web design contributes to the loading time of a website, but it is also essential for it to be responsive and have quality content. Well-thought-out and optimized web design can improve the user experience and increase the visibility of a website in search engine results, which can lead to higher traffic and better online performance.

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Strategic Aspects Before Starting a Web Design

It is said that a website is like a business card, but it's actually that and more.Because of this, before starting the design or construction phase, you need to define a buyer persona that encompasses the essential characteristics of your customers.From there, you can effectively design your website. Some questions you need to answer before starting the design of your website are:

  • What is the goal of your website? It is impossible to start a website if you are not clear about what you are building it for.

  • What is your brand's uniqueness? Think about all those aspects that differentiate you from the competition and make you stand out.

  • What type of content do you need? It could be articles related to your brand or simply more detailed descriptions of your product features.

  • What brand/branding characteristics do you want to highlight? At this point, it is important to know the relevant image aspects that can make your website stand out and shine on its own.

  • What do you want in the navigation menu? You may need a page for scheduling appointments, another one to showcase all your products, or even one for filling out a contact form. This information should be established before starting to design the website to avoid omissions when you reach the menu creation stage.

  • What kind of language do you want to use? To define it, it is important to know your customers: what they like, how they speak, and whom they relate to. If you have this information, you can capture their attention with tailored copies.

Remember that the goals and personality of your business should be reflected in each page and content hosted on your site. That's why it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your business identity before starting with web design.

Conclusion: Conclusion:

In conclusion, Web Design plays a crucial role in creating attractive and functional websites. We have explored the key features of web design, its wide range of applications, and its importance in today's digital world. At ForgeMyTech, we are passionate about providing quality web design solutions. If you are looking to take your online presence to the next level, we invite you to contact us to discover how we can assist you. Visit our website to learn more about our services!