5 reasons why you should update your website.

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The Internet evolves rapidly, especially in terms of web design and programming, which directly affects Google rankings. Therefore, it is crucial to update your website, especially if it is old and has been online for quite some time, if not several years already.

1st Corporate Image:

By updating your website, you will achieve a fresh and renewed image that will attract users and keep them browsing for longer. The current trend in web design is Material Design, proposed by Google. It is based on simplicity, cleanliness, and the logic of material objects, avoiding overlays. Elements such as depth, shadows, borders, and colors are regulated by this trend.

2nd Web Usability and User Experience (UX):

Updating your website will provide you with a refreshed design that aligns with the latest trends, making it more appealing to users as it will be in line with the design of other websites. In particular, Material Design stands out for its intuitiveness, making it easier for users to navigate through our site. It is essential to consider that despite the viral and popular nature of Material Design in web design, there are still many pages that either do not implement it or do so poorly, resulting in a poor user experience. This can lead to a decrease in repeat visits and negatively impact your rankings in Google search results.

3rd. Adaptability:

Currently, 80% of website visits are made from mobile devices. For this reason, having a responsive website is crucial. If you haven't adapted your website and haven't been penalized yet, it's only a matter of time before we start losing visitors because users accessing from mobile devices will struggle to navigate your page, and they are likely not to return.

4th Impact on Social Media:

If you decide to update your website and believe it has the potential to be shared on social media, it is essential to include social media buttons to facilitate sharing. More and more people access the web from mobile devices, and these visitors are more inclined to share content from their devices. Additionally, Whatsapp has become an important ally for sharing web content, as more elements are shared through this platform compared to Facebook or Twitter, and it has a higher conversion rate. Therefore, adding a button to share on Whatsapp would be a valuable addition to your updated website.

5th Improve Your SEO Ranking on Google:

When updating your website, consider improving its SEO ranking by reorganizing the content of your main pages to include relevant keywords in each of them and creating a more organized structure with clear and hierarchical texts. All of this will be appreciated by both search engines and users Additionally, it is advisable to remove any flash elements from your website, as they are not visible on mobile devices and cannot be indexed by Google.

Conclusion: Digital Advantage

Updating your website will provide you with a competitive advantage and improve the user experience. It is recommended not to go more than 5 years without updating your site, as technologies change rapidly during that time. It has been proven that the first three seconds are crucial for a user's impression when visiting a website. Therefore, undertaking a complete and up-to-date web renovation is the best way to make a good impression and ensure a positive experience.